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Data controller
The Italian Luxury Taste data controller, VAT registration number 01984780435, with the sole director Valle Marco, with its headquarters in 204 Viale dell’Industria, Corridonia (MC) 62014, Italy.

Processed data
Italian Luxury Taste only collect data which are voluntarily provided by the user and navigation data. Concerning the use of the “public” section of the website (which is freely accessible to every user), there is no processing of the user personal data. Concerning the section related to taking contact with Italian Luxury Taste, for example, by sending a message via ordinary mail or e-mail to the addresses set out on the website, the user data will have to be considered acquired and, therefore, processed in full respect of existing legislation. Navigation data are related to the user’s operating system and to his IT environment, whose transmission is implicit in the use of the Internet communication protocols. Although these information are not collected in order to be associated with identified concerned users, they could allow to identify users, by nature, through elaborations and associations with data held by third parties.

Purposes of data processing
Italian Luxury Taste processes the personal data that the user provided on the website in connection with the utilisation of the website itself. In particular, your personal data could be used for the following purposes: a) provision of services and functionalities of the website (such as name and surname, e-mail address, etc.); Italian Luxury Taste collect and process user’s personal data in order to provide all the functionalities of the website.

Storage of personal data
The data processing will be done in automatic or manual form, by entities specially tasked with that, through ways and means that aim to ensure the maximum security and confidentiality. In accordance with Art. 5, paragraph 1, letter e) of the EU Reg. no. 2016/679, collected personal data will be stored in a form allowing the identification of data subjects, but they must not be kept longer than is necessary for the purpose for which they were collected. In order to know the criteria on which the storage period is based, send an e-mail to

Protection and transfer of personal data
The transfer, storage and processing of data which are collected through the website, are guaranteed by appropriate technical measures. In addition, the website is provided over HTTPS encrypted connection. Users data are collected, archived and stored in a save server, protected by a firewall.

Transfer of personal data to third parties
Italian Luxury Taste does not transfer your personal data to third parties. However, Italian Luxury Taste could be able to provide user’s data to third parties for certain processes, for example, in order to provide the user with technical/legal advice when requested. In such cases, Italian Luxury Taste will be allowed to transmit part of the user’s data to third parties which are law specialists. Such third parties will process user’s personal data in full compliance with current legislation. User’s data will not be transferred outside the European Union. Only if Italian Luxury Taste will be required to do so by law, personal data will be supplied to the competent authorities.

Nature of the conferment of data
The conferment of personal data is necessary and compulsory for the validity of the contract that formalises and governs the relationship for the required services. A missed or erroneous conferment, as well as a missed communication of any data modification, could impede the conclusion of the contract itself andor could lead to the impossibility to completely fulfil the law requirements and those that arise from the current contract. The same data could be used for direct marketing or in order to send greetings for special occasions.

Demonstration of consent
Concerning the conferment of data for the fulfil of law requirements, it is not requested any written demonstration of consent; as the law expressly provides, informing the costumer constitutes a necessary and sufficient condition.

(Concerned) user’s rights
The user will have, at any time, full powers to exercise the rights provided by the current legislation. He could be able to assert his rights as they are expressed in the articles 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, of the EU Reg. no. 2016/679, contacting the data controller, sending an e-mail to Including the following rights: to receive confirmation of the existence of his/her personal data and request access to the content; to update, modify, and/or correct his/her personal data; to request cancellation, transformation into anonymous form, and blocking of the data processed in violation of the law; to demand the limitation of the processing; to oppose the processing for legitimate reasons; to receive a copy of the data provided and request the transmission of such data to another data controller.

In order to exercise one or more of the rights listed above, send a specific request to Italian Luxury Taste – privacy section -:

Viale dell’Industria 204, 62014 Corridonia(Mc)

or via e-mail to

User’s rights can be checked on the following addresses/links:
User’s rights
User’s rights of European privacy policy.

In case of request for data portability, the data controller will provide the user with his own personal data, in a structured, legible and standard format, except for art. 20, paragraph 3 and 4 of the EU Reg. no. 2016/679.

Part reserved for children
People aged under 18 cannot send information to this website without prior consent given by their parents or a guardian. They may also not require material or conclude commercial agreements throughout this website without their parents’ consent, unless it is allowed by current legislation

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